DailyB Ep 1 - Perfectionism limited my potential growth

Business Growth

Introducing Daily B: My Journey Towards Better Content Creation

In this first episode of 'Daily B', Burhaan introduces the concept of daily videos aimed at connecting with viewers, improving content creation skills, letting go of perfection, and streamlining the editing process.

The channel focuses on marketing, building funnels, making money online, and sharing personal experiences and insights gained from a decade of working in marketing. The host discusses past challenges like dealing with perfectionism, the fear of appearing on camera, and the importance of building a following for successful online business.

The goal of these unedited, daily videos is to enhance storytelling skills, share marketing wisdom, and directly engage with the audience to learn what content they find most valuable.

This episode serves as an invitation for viewers to join the journey, provide feedback, and participate in the growth of the channel.

00:00 Introducing Daily B: A New Journey Begins

01:03 My Marketing Journey: A Decade of Experience

02:27 The Struggles of Content Creation and Building an Audience

04:59 Overcoming Perfectionism and Embracing Daily Content

06:35 Engaging with the Audience: Your Role in This Journey

08:32 The Ultimate Goal: Growth, Value, and Storytelling

11:21 Conclusion and Call to Action

Show Notes:

[00:00:00] Hey, welcome to the first, welcome to this first episode of daily B what I'm calling daily B and hopefully this is going to build a connection with you. I want to get better at making content. I want to let go of perfection because that's been a challenge and I want to shortcut the editing process.

Like the whole point of making these videos is to shortcut the editing process and that whole cycle that's required. And then also A little bit of storytelling, right? This channel is all about marketing. It's all about building funnels. It's all about making money online. Um, but in that process, I want to build my own business.

I want to build my own brand. Um, I want to sell courses. I want to do all of these things. And so hopefully if you're watching this and you're part of the journey or want to be part of the journey of me making these daily videos, And also other content on the channel then hit the follow that's that's something that I would really [00:01:00] love and And yeah, give me feedback as we go.

So a little bit about me. I I do marketing I have been doing marketing for the last 10 years Started on Upwork as a freelancer back in what was that? 2014 and worked with a bunch of clients worked with a bunch of people to basically just make whatever, you know, make, help them make money essentially.

And, uh, in that process of helping them make money, I've, I've developed a couple of skills. Sorry. I'm just putting a camera up in the process of helping them make money. I've obviously developed a bunch of skills around marketing, around email marketing, around advertising, around a bunch of things, and I wanted to share those wisdoms with you.

I wanted to share. Some of those stories and just give you sort of the insights, right? From a daily perspective, almost on a daily perspective, from my [00:02:00] observations, from what I've seen happening online, um, in working with tech, in working with gear. And in working with people who are trying to do the thing that, well, I'm doing here with this video, right?

Um, it's a journey. It's a, it's not a destination. It's a journey. You've probably heard that a thousand times. So that's, that's it about me. I've already told you why I'm making these videos. So. Hopefully, um, these will stick. I'm going to try to talk about some of the problems that I've had in getting to this point.

As I said, I've been working online for 10 years. I've been publishing videos on and off for a bunch of years on this channel, inconsistently, uh, et cetera, et cetera. And as a freelancer, you know, you get stuck in this mentality of working with clients. Like you've got to work with clients and then you've got to find clients because those kinds of clients finish the work or the projects end.

And it's this constant battle of like working. Working and fighting, finding money and [00:03:00] working and getting paid and doing all of these things. And, uh, in trying to build a following, trying to build an audience, I've realized that that is one of the most important things, like from all the businesses that I've worked with over the 10 years, probably about 200 of them up, up to this point.

The most interesting thing is that the ones who have an audience, the one who, ones who have a following, the ones who have an email list, those are the ones that make the most. Money that makes the most, they make the most impact. They have the credibility. They have the audience to buy the things that they are selling to help the people that they want to help.

Right. And my personal problem has just one being getting, getting, you know, getting in front of the camera, um, You know, being shy, being insecure about how I look, about my hair, about the way that my features are. I was overweight before. It was like, there was a bunch of challenges that [00:04:00] I had in terms of getting on camera.

You know, shyness is definitely a thing that most people struggle with. And in doing these daily videos, hopefully, you know, I will overcome that. At least that's the, that's the mission. The other thing was gear. Now, obviously there's a bunch of people that talk about, Oh, you know, you don't need fancy equipment, you don't need fancy cameras, or you don't need the latest laptop, you don't need all of these things, but they do help.

And it's taken me a bunch of years to get the gear together, um, to be able to do all of this stuff. Now it's not necessary. It's not required. 10 years ago, it was exceptionally difficult to edit videos. They weren't that many tools available. The tech was slow. It was kind of cumbersome. We didn't have the technology we have now, but these days it's a lot easier.

So, uh, we'll talk about gear on the, on the channel at some point. Um, and if you want to hear more about my gear, definitely hit a comment down below and let me know. Okay. And then. I have [00:05:00] always struggled with perfection, struggle with this need to have things perfect. Now there's a difference. Like if you're in tech and you're a developer or you're somebody who works with details, maybe you're a writer and it's super important or copywriter, um, or you're building funnels or you're doing something technical.

Sure. You know, maybe even your construction work and you're building. Buildings or you're, or you're, you know, finishing making bathrooms or kitchen units or whatever the case may be. Perfection is important. And sometimes even in engineering mully meters or, you know, micro millimeters, I don't even know what this called, there's like microns that make a difference, um, in, in how things are.

But I struggle with this whole perfection mentality from a point of trying to make the perfect thumbnail or trying to edit the, the thing in a way that. Is really, really good, even though I'm not a great editor and I haven't managed to find a great editor yet, I figured, well, if I'm doing these videos as a dirty kind of daily video, I'm basically [00:06:00] removing the need to be perfect because the idea, the goal is volume.

The goal is consistency. And so hopefully that'll help me. Just from a mental point of view, getting out of that perfection mentality. So that's part of the reason I'm, why I'm doing that. As I mentioned, editing has been a challenge and these videos hopefully are not going to be edited. If I can say things the way that I want to say them and if you can deal with my mistakes or me saying things incorrectly or saying the wrong words sometimes, um, then please forgive me for that.

Call me out in the comments if you'd like, but you know, the point of this video is just to get the message out. And I want you to be my guide. I want you to be the person that comments and lets me know What do you want to want to know? What do you want to need help on or? Let me know how the videos are what what what would you like me to talk about like I want you to be involved I want you to be part of the process and the goal too as part of these videos is to so that we can go live, right?

So that you can actually come and do Q and A's with me. [00:07:00] And we can talk, you can tell me about your challenges. We can, you know, get on, get on, on the community and, and, and get together. So that's a, so that's part of the process. I want you to, to help me. And of course, from a YouTube point of view, you watching the video and you're the watch time and the retention graphs and the click through rate.

And all of those things are going to give me insights into what content resonates with you. What do you like? What you don't like? If you comment on things, of course, that'll give me feedback as well. So that's part of the plan. And, uh, that's from a marketing point of view, right? So I have a very analytical brain.

I'm going to look at the insights. I'm going to look at the stats. Uh, hopefully not as regularly as I used to. But regularly enough so that I can kind of get a gauge as to what's what's the purpose, right? Think of like when Gary V Gary Vaynerchuk when he first started doing YouTube all those years ago This was his plan.

He maybe didn't mention it or maybe he has mentioned it in later episodes But when he did gay daily V [00:08:00] or you know As part of the Gary Vee show, he was essentially looking at data he was looking at, or his team was looking at how can he make the videos better? What titles can he use? What thumbnails can he use to gain that audience?

Uh, and so yeah, selfishly, I'm looking, I'm looking at these videos from a marketing point of view, but I'm going to share those insights with you. Right. I'm, I'm being open with, with how you. How you see me and I'm going to be open with what's working and what's not working. You'll be able to see it as well based on the views and based on what comments are down there.

So definitely follow along if you're keen on this journey, if you're keen on learning with me, if you're keen on just learning the insights, uh, and what does success look like for me? Why am I doing this whole, like, what's the point of investing these few minutes every day and getting these videos done?

I, I want to grow the channel. Like I really, really want to grow the channel. I want. Selfishly, I want to grow the subscriber count, but [00:09:00] also I want to give you value. I want to learn how to give you value and hopefully there's some content that I come up with that actually resonates and if you could You know, let me know in the comments what you want me to talk about or what you'd like to talk about.

That's gonna help me grow. You can come back and listen to the answers, those type of things. And then the other thing is, like, from a storytelling point of view, Um, I'll give you a short synopsis, a short insight that I've had. Ten years I've been a technician. I've been somebody who's made Websites, landing pages, run ads for clients, help with creatives, come up with good headlines, come up with sort of, uh, you know, email marketing plans, written subject lines, help people format their emails, build automations, help people make a bunch of money.

run Shopify stores, done all of these things from a technical point of view. And what I've realized is that it doesn't matter what the tool is that you're using. It doesn't matter what the camera is that you're using. It doesn't matter what the microphone is that [00:10:00] you're using. What matters is what you're saying.

What matters is what you're telling people. What matters is how you're helping others. And that's the whole point, right? That's the reason why we follow each other is because If there's somebody with a good story, somebody with a good insight, somebody with a good brain, somebody who's smart, somebody who's maybe not so smart, but they have an interesting vibe, there's a story there, right?

There's, there's a, there's a point of connection. So that's the, that's the thing. And hopefully I get better at storytelling as I keep making these videos. I get out of my own way, block the perfect, kick the perfection, um, get feedback from you guys. and also build consistency. And the challenge here is a daily video.

I'm not too worried about how long it is or how short it is as long as it's just get, gets done. And maybe I'm going to falter and I'm going to miss [00:11:00] one, but I'm definitely not going to miss two. And if I do miss comment, let me know, ask me where am I, what's going on. Um, so that's going to be my accountability.

You are going to be my accountability. So, yeah. Um, Let's build this up support me if you'd like follow along if you'd like And I hope to chat to you in the comments. We'll go live every now and then and I hope to catch you soon Thank you for listening. If you're at the end hit the like comment below.

Let me know what what you think and i'll see you tomorrow

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