Download This Free Checklist To Ensure Your Webinars Run Flawlessly

The eBook is designed to help you prepare, deliver and convert from your webinar effortlessly.

Running a webinar can be tricky to execute because there are so many moving pieces and so many things to consider.

The items listed in the checklist are taken from multiple campaigns I have personally created and helped develop for my clients.

We all hate when the smallest of details affect how we show up to our audience and I want to make sure you are ready.

Use this eBook checklist to:

  • Prepare content for your webinar;
  • Create your registrations page;
  • Configure your webinar software and tech;
  • Promote your webinar to get people to register;
  • Remind people of your webinar to maximize attendance;
  • Prepare to Go-Live and deliver the best webinar possible;
  • Tips to engage your attendees;
  • Engage your audience after your webinar to maximize sales.