06. Email Retargeting – Get More Sales By Leveraging Email Automation (Tips to getting better results)

Email Marketing

Email retargeting should be set up to engage with your potential customers. Not annoy them. Your emails should be straight forward, to the point and be sent out at a reasonable time and frequency.

In this episode I talk about email retargeting and how to leverage email automation.

Show Notes:

Burhaan Pattel (00:00):

This video I want to talk about email retargeting. Before I actually get into what email re-targeting is a flash, a little image, and it'll probably appear around here somewhere. And this, and this image is showing results of sales that have been generated from automated emails. I.e Re targeting emails, which I created in a system for a customer who has a Shopify store. Put this into context this has been sort of a six week period of time, I think, in terms of the stats and, it's an insane amount of revenue. Now this was revenue generated just from this one automated system that we put in place for his business. He's never done that type of thing in the past, or if, or if he did have this, system in place. And I'm going to talk a little bit about the system now.

Burhaan Pattel (00:51):

So retargeting emails is emails that are coming into your email list. So if you've got a Shopify store, the same as this client, people are abandoning their cart. So, you know, they're getting to the checkout page, they're getting to the billing information page and they're filling in their details. They put in their email address, Shopify captures that, but they don't complete the checkout. And so, you know, you have the ability through Shopify or through a different tool to actually send those people, send that person an email to say, Hey, we noticed that you put something in your cart, you got to the checkout, but you didn't complete your purchase. And just night lightly nudging them to say, Hey, you've got this thing in your cart. You were interested in it already. You don't want the reasons as to why they abandoned the cart, but you know, you want to give them a little bit of a reminder because there was something they were interested in Amazon does it Shopify themselves, do it.

Burhaan Pattel (01:46):

There's lots of companies, companies, or even normal other businesses that are doing it, all the time. And that's going to increase your conversions now, close rates on abandoned carts, depending on the content, depends on the product can be high. It can be low, but having something in place was definitely something you want to do. A form of retargeting is let's say you have, a product on the page and you're running a promotion where you offering free shipping. And in order for them to qualify for the free shipping, you show them a pop-up that says, Hey, get free shipping when you enter your email address. So you're asking them to do something, to subscribe to a list so that you can deliver them a coupon code, right? They opt in to the email address with their email address, to the pop-up and immediately an email goes out to them to say, Hey, thank you so much for opting in to get and qualify for free shipping.

Burhaan Pattel (02:43):

Here's your coupon code. When you get to the checkout, use the coupon code and you get 10% off your whatever is in your cart. Now, if that's a deal that you want to build into your system, if you want, if you want to build into your company, perfect. That's one example. Most of the people let's say 80%, 90% of people when they open their email, even though they're, they've done the work to put an email address in, they've gotten a coupon code in the inbox, they don't open the email, maybe 70% of people, they don't open the email. We don't know why it could be that they've made a spelling mistake on the email address. Maybe they're just not that keen on a discount. Maybe they buy anyway. And, and, and the offer is not good enough for the pop-up. There's a hundred, 1 million, there's 101 reasons as to why they would not, open the email.

Burhaan Pattel (03:36):

So what matters is actually that the balance of people who don't open the email or the people who don't actually convert. So let's say 30% of the people open the email and 5% of those people that opened the email, actually go use the common code and they buy something. Okay. So what happens to the rest of the people? The 95%, the 70% who didn't open the email and the, 95% of people who didn't buy when they opened the first email, they, they opted in for a discount. Maybe life happened when they got the first email. Maybe they didn't check their email. Maybe they opted in, but they realized that they didn't have the email app on their phone, or they didn't have a decent internet connection or whatever the case may be. They were getting off a train to get into a taxi so that they can get home.

Burhaan Pattel (04:23):

Life happens, you know? So why not email them a reminder, maybe three, four hours later say, Hey, you, you interested in this deal, do you want to still check it out? Like, here's the code. And of course there's tension that you can create in those emails. So, you know, have the code expire for at a certain point and then send a reminder, email a couple of hours before it expires. You can, you can do a few of those things to try to boost the conversions and boost the tense you know, create a little bit of tension, in terms of getting people to use the code. And yeah, that helps. And just by putting these little systems that you, we may think, Oh, that's so, so simple, or you may think, Hey, that's so cheesy, but you know what people people get in, it'd be life gets in the way people get stuck with stuff.

Burhaan Pattel (05:17):

People are busy, people are, there's so much distraction. There's so many, points of attention that are trying to grab us, you know, notifications on from Facebook notifications, from Instagram and your emails buzzing all day long. You're, whatever you're getting phone calls, you know, or whatever, like there's lots of stuff going on in your day. So, you know, just having these automated tools where if you're running a business and you're trying to leverage the tools, you try to automate things. You're trying to get as much as you can out for your customers, right? At the end of the day, if people have shown an interest already, they're kind 50% of the way there. All they need to do is just finalize the decision. They've already made a decision in some way, or they've made a micro decision in terms of getting to where they want to get to, you know, help them along.

Burhaan Pattel (06:10):

There's nothing wrong with that. I don't see them anything wrong with that way. I do have a problem is, but by over emailing them, right, we're talking specifically about retargeting emails. If you're emailing them every single hour to say, Hey, buy my shit, buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff, not cool. I don't enjoy that. I don't think that's appropriate. And you're going to get high unsubscribes and people are going to complain and your domain deliverability is going to get or email people with permission. So by them opting in to the pop-up by them asking for the coupon code, we want people to engage. We want them to, to, to, to see what we have on offer and, and then buy into that process to buy into the fact that yes, they can get a discount or they can jump in on a challenge, or they can qualify for a freebie or in a contest, or, you know, sign up to the newsletter because they know that, you know, black Friday is coming up and maybe there's a deal in the black Friday email campaign.

Burhaan Pattel (07:11):

And you can actually set things up that way where, you know, you're letting people know that this list, that this subscription is going to benefit them. How does it benefit them? That's the most important piece, but you could have your retargeting emails set up against your funnel. Even if it's not an e-commerce business, your funnel could be maybe a phone call funnel. Maybe it's a webinar that you're promoting, you know, people that have opted in for the webinar, but didn't show up, send them an email to say, Hey, here's the replay. You missed it, but here's the replay or you missed it but there's still a deal. Or, Hey, you know what? I'm actually going to run the webinar again. Why don't you register for the next one? If you couldn't make it for the first one, if it's a phone call, funnel people miss phone calls all the time, send them a follow-up email say, Hey, I'm sorry that I missed you on XYZ date. So-and-so time. Perhaps life got in the way. Shall we reset? Reschedule? You may recover a few of those, most, not most likely not, but it's worth trying. And if you have an automated system, why not have the system do the emails for you automate that process. So you don't have to think about it. If you understand the topic, if you're agreeing with me in terms of what retargeting emails can and can't do, or if you've done summary, email retargeting in a Ninja way that I haven't mentioned this video, comment below. If you liked this video, hit the like button, it gives me an indication that you're liking the content. If you subscribe, that means you're yay about the content and you want to see more. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you watching, my name is Burhaan and I'll see you on the next video.

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