37. Leveraging Systems To Make More Impact with Sachin Patel

Business Growth

Owning a private practice is incredible challenging in the start. Often, people make the mistake that starting a private practice is as easy as just getting more clients or patients and expanding the team is easy. The reality is that starting a business is a skill that needs to be developed and learned. Even if you have had a mentor or elder figure teaching you business, running your own business can be challenging. Sachin Patel talk about some of his challenges and his mission to help private practice owners develop their systems and processes to enable a better life for our patients.

Show Notes:

BurhaanPattel: [00:00:00]

Welcome to the Marketing Stack Podcast. And on this podcast, I interview a lot of interesting people about marketing, about how they're trying to make an impact with their business. And we cover some of the latest tools and techniques of things that are working right now on digital marketing aspects.

BurhaanPattel: [00:00:16]

And I'm here talking to Sachin Patel who I regard as a celebrity in the space because he's been active in the functional medicine space for a long, longtime. And he's on a mission to just get the word out, make people more healthy, and we'll get into that in the discussion. So Sachin , welcome to the podcast.I'm so happy to have you here.

BurhaanPattel: [00:00:38]

Oh, you're muted.

SachinPatel: [00:00:40]

Hi Burhaan. It's my pleasure. I'm so grateful that we have this opportunity to connect and such a wonderful thing that you're doing, helping spread the messages of other businesses around the world. And specifically the more we can help health practitioners that are very, you know, uh, thoughtful in their approach and really looking to make a big impact. It's amazing that functional medicine is getting the attention that it, uh, finally, uh, it's, it's always deserved, but I think it needs it now more than ever. So it's great to be, you know, teaming up with people like yourself and having discussions like this, becauseI think that the world is a prime for change with our message.

BurhaanPattel: [00:01:22]

Yeah, 100% agreed. And if you've heard anything about me in the last year, um, so because of the pandemic, I started working with some doctors, functional medicine, naturopathic, and it's w it was a space that I felt I needed to workin a little bit more. Purely because, you know, functional medicine doctors, don't have that marketing experience.

BurhaanPattel: [00:01:43]

They don't have that business background. And they're just a few players in the market trying to spread the message like you. And so I thought, well, let me try to jump in and see where I can help. And so the podcast has been about that, my YouTube channel, um, and I just wanted to get in touch with, with people. One so that I can learn and two, so that, you know, we can spread the message to the podcast as well.

BurhaanPattel: [00:02:06]

So let's get into it. Sure. So let's get into some of the impact stuff, because just before we started the recording, you said that you feel like you're not making an impact, even though you've been working with content and you've been doing sort of talks. I watched an episode on YouTube where you are talking at the functional forum four years ago, which was on YouTube and it's interesting that you say you're not quite making the impact that you, you would have liked.So talk, talk to me a little bit about that. What are you doing? What are you trying? Um, how's it going?

SachinPatel: [00:02:40]

Yeah. Uh, great question. And you know, one of the things that you said, uh, at the very beginning, and I'm so humbled and honored, uh, for the perspective, but, uh, you know, you, you said that you kind of regard me as a celebrity andI was like, literally taken aback by that because when you're in kind of inside this bottle and my friend Joe Polish, uh, taught me this, right, is that when you're inside the bottle, you can't really see what the label says.

SachinPatel: [00:03:06]

So from our perspective, it's like, we're always wondering, are we doing enough?Are we making enough of an impact? And, and we're always questioning that. Soto get the feedback from your perspective, kind of closes that loop for us, for us to know that, Hey, it really is making an impact. It's getting people's attention and it's, it's having a ripple far and wide.

SachinPatel: [00:03:28]

And we sometimes don't, uh, we don't always get that feedback loop being closed. Right. So the conversations like this, uh, where you say something like that very casually, but to me, it's like, oh my God, that's so, so amazing. And the first thing that excites me is being able to tell my team and, and share with them like, Hey, you know, this message is propagating is getting out there and people are helping us spread it as well. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:03:52]

That's what podcasts like this do is they spread a good message. And then we're, uh, through this process, I hope gonna teach other people how they can propagate their message as well. So exciting times ahead for us as practitioners and as healers for marketers, because this is a message that I think anyone can get behind as well. Right? Like we need more marketers too.Uh, marketing this message out there in the world. So we need more marketers in some cases.

SachinPatel: [00:04:19]

Well, maybe not. I think we have a more powerful message and a more, more, um, resonant message with what people actually believe in, in their hearts. Right?Not in their minds, the mind can be washed, right. But the heart stays true. So if we can like get the right message, it can expand very quickly. And we have a message that other people want to spread too. Because it's so positive and it's so aspirational for a future that I think the world that people actually want.Right.

SachinPatel: [00:04:47]

If we take, if we take a look at the future that, uh, like essentially you can tell the direction of society is going and based on the marketing, based on the advertising, right? Based on the messaging that's being delivered, the propaganda in many cases is being delivered to people. You can get a sense of the direction that, um, uh, energy is trying to take you in to.

BurhaanPattel: [00:05:10]

Yeah, unfortunately. Yeah. I just wanted to jump in there. So from my perspective, unfortunately, obviously we're, you know, functional medicine is the opposite of what big pharma and in all of these companies are trying to do.And so it feels like I'm pretty sure it feels like this war where it's ver it's a versus. No, it's a, it's a boxing match. It's a, it's, it's, it's something that you're against all the time. And I guess in that, when you're inside the bottle, it probably feels to you that that's why you're not winning because there's big money behind all the other brands.

SachinPatel: [00:05:45]

Well, you know, here's what I think. I, I don't, and here's where the opportunity lies. I'm loving this conversation. So here's where I think the opportunity lies is I feel like that way of thinking may be a limiting belief, right? So to say that we don't have enough money to solve this problem basically creates a scenario where we will never win. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:06:07]

Because we'll never have as much money as they have. However, we have a more powerful message and a message that can spread because it's aspirational. And it's so simple that everyone gets it. Right. We never get pushback. Right?Nobody pushes back when I tell them, listen, I'm going to help you find the root cause.

SachinPatel: [00:06:26]

I'm going to help you identify lifestyle changes that you can make. I'm going to put you in charge of your health and your family's health and create generational health, uh, for your entire lineage, from this point, moving forward. I mean, who doesn't want that? Right. It's enough people haven't heard the message in the right context.

SachinPatel: [00:06:43]

And I believe that, you know, this is a, you know, it's not quite a David versusGoliath. I think we can kind of walk hand in hand, right. And be friends and understand where one system's beneficial. Whereas the other may not be, and they can co-exist because they need to co-exist. However, um, people just don't know that this is available to them. Right. People only know that if they're in a swimming pool, they can only use a life jacket and stay afloat.

SachinPatel: [00:07:11]

They can't learn how to swim. We teach people how to swim. Right. And listen, if I'm going swimming in a lake, I'm going to take a life jacket with me. Uh, ifI, if I feel that's necessary or from going canoeing or something, I'm going to take a life jacket with me. Right. And it's good. So it's good to have that there it's you hopefully never want to use it. It's good to have it there, but it's also probably a good idea to learn how to swim.

BurhaanPattel: [00:07:35]

100%. I think swimming is, or learning to swim is a fundamental, just like learning to drive a car.

SachinPatel: [00:07:43]

And learning to be healthy. Right?

BurhaanPattel: [00:07:45]


SachinPatel: [00:07:45]

So it's, it's, I think that we, we have something that people can really get behind. And so the message is so much more powerful that I believe that if we use a certain methodology. It can go viral very quickly. So that's what I love about what we do. It's, uh, you know, we're waiting for that Superbowl moment, but as soon as it happens, like, what I'm trying to do now is prepare practitioners. So they're ready for that Superbowl moment, right? Where this is the most obvious choices is what people see, not last but first. And it actually creates a shift in our society. Right in one generation, this is the only way to change things is to teach people how to be healthy.

Burhaan Pattel:[00:08:27]

And I love your perspective because you haven't kept that knowledge to yourself where you're like, I want to build this mega big clinic across the U.S or across the world. You're actually helping other practitioners build their business as well, which is clearly indicative of the fact that you're not selfish with being able to teach what, you know. Not only from a marketing perspective, but also from a healthy lifestyle perspective. Um, and I think that that's hugely important that, and that's the thing that's needed the most.

SachinPatel: [00:08:57]

Yeah. I mean, you know, Burhaan many years ago, I asked myself what is the actual problem and what is a viable solution? So our current and not to make this conversation, I know we want to talk about marketing, but I feel like this messaging is very important. And if people can, um, who are listening to this, or practitioners can then better articulate their message then, uh, I think we're all winning.

SachinPatel: [00:09:18]

And, and, uh, and so w one of the things that we find is, is if we can teach, uh, practitioners how to become better at telling their story and, you know, drawing the patient in, and, you know, casting enemies or casting stones at a common enemy um, and teaching them how to take the best, uh, you know, control possible of their mind and their health and, uh, how they express themselves.

SachinPatel: [00:09:46]

It's really important that, uh, practitioners learn how to do this and telling their stories a big part of it, um, sharing their big why, right, is part of it. What is the wrong that they want to right? That's a big part of it. Um, and the opportunity is immense. So this is a, a skill set that many people, um, may not realize is what is holding the entire profession back. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:10:11]

It's holding their community back because their message isn't connecting. And so, yeah, I'm so thrilled to have this dialogue with you to be able to sharehow people can do it better and learn from you as well. I'm excited to learn what you've learned from all the interviews and everything that you've done too.

BurhaanPattel: [00:10:28]

Yeah. So leading into that. So I've had a couple of discussions with people for the summit. As I, as I said too, I hosted a summit for health practitioners in May.Um, and also just leading up to that summit, been talking to people on the podcast and, and, and that just figuring in researching the industry. I find that a lot of people are they're struggling with sort of just the anxiety or the fear of actually putting their message out.

BurhaanPattel: [00:10:56]

They're struggling with finding that voice, trying to figure out, well, how amI going to fit into this pool of resources and, uh, you know, fight the war or, you know, just jump into the, into the fight. And then there's also this thing of, oh, I, a lot of people are saying they don't have the time to learn the skills, to learn the marketing, to learn social media, to learn all the tools that we have available to us to get the message out. So what do you see or what do you, what would, what would you say to that in terms of what I've seen?

Sachin Patel:[00:11:31]

Yeah, I think is, I mean, marketing is its own. You can get a degree in marketing, right? There's businesses that all they do, uh, is branding and marketing. So I think for us practitioners, like somebody has to build a bridge, right from us being clinicians and practitioners and, uh, advisers of health to, uh, teaching us how to better articulate our message because, you know, messaging is also important in the interactions that we have individually with our clients as well.

Sachin Patel:[00:12:01]

Right. So learning how to be a more effective communicator, uh, helps you in your one-on-one interactions, but it also helps you in your one to many, uh, interactions when you're sharing, uh, through advertising or your blogs or even podcasts and stuff. So, yeah. Super important.

BurhaanPattel: [00:12:18]

Yeah. And i, I, I figured that out from researching you is communication is, isa big pillar that you, you stand on and not only to heal yourself from what, what's the position in the, in the, in the throat. I'm not a medical person but you refer to which part of.

SachinPatel: [00:12:35]

The vagus nerve.

BurhaanPattel: [00:12:36]

The vagus nerve. Yes. Um, and so for me as well, learning, well, starting the podcast, getting online a little bit more is indicative of the fact that, you know, when we have these tools, we have reach, we have YouTube, we haveFacebook, we have all of these tools that are there to help us spread the message. I always say that the internet is just a giant telephone and it's actually a megaphone where you can speak to thousands, if not millions of people at the same time.

BurhaanPattel: [00:13:05]

Um, and the leverage where we have there is a real opportunity. The only struggle is people haven't quite understood how to get the book, get the word out. And it's, you know, it's one of my missions. It's one of my, uh, challenges as well. Um, and I know you run that, that same path. So I just wanted to acknowledge you and thank you for having that as a pillar.

SachinPatel: [00:13:32]

Yeah. It's, you know, it's my pleasure. I think communication, you know, spills into our personal lives as well. Right? So we can be more effective with our children, with our spouse, with our close family, our teams internally with our business. It's, it's such a, it's one of the things that I say separates us from all the other animals is the sophistication of communication that we have as human beings is, is quite remarkable. When you think about it. And it's not fully leveraged. So being a more effective communicators is a way to leverage a technology that we all have. Uh, however, we've never been trained how to use.

BurhaanPattel: [00:14:07]

Well, it's interesting. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine yesterday and I, and I said to her that I think my role is to on one hand, remind people that in the past, you know, we used to pick up the telephone, you know, dial the circle to try to get the, get across to maybe another part of the world, or even just our next door neighbor. Um, it used to take a while to actually have a conversation.

BurhaanPattel: [00:14:32]

Uh, sometimes there was lag because if people were on the other side of the world, it'd be like five, 10 seconds before the message actually arrives. Um, and then time zones just weren't that easy to navigate and, uh, where we've come from, just in my own lifetime is it's insanity. Yeah. I would never have imagined, uh, we would have gotten this far.

BurhaanPattel: [00:14:54]

I think people were expecting flying cars and hovering, uh, skateboards, but you know, we'll probably get there at some point. But despite that w we've I think we've come a long way and it's our responsibility to use the tools. And the fact that they are free is, is even just more mind blowing.

SachinPatel: [00:15:12]

Well, you know, that they're advised the opportunity, right? Is the, is the average practitioner, the advantage that they have is that majority of people will not take action. Right. So even people who are listening to this, the majority of people listening to this will still not take action. Right. And that's, that's an unfortunate thing.

SachinPatel: [00:15:34]

However, it's the case, right? Not everyone takes action. So there's another advantage that practitioners have, right. When they say, let's say, for example, I might hear practitioners say, well, I suck at marketing. Right? Well then let's break down what that is. Right. What marketing is is a storytelling.And so, uh, Joe Polish taught me this as well.

SachinPatel: [00:15:54]

I learned so much from Joe. Uh, he taught me, this is, is that marketing is storytelling and sales is persuasions and bet the better, the story, then the less you have to persuade people. So the, the way the brain remembers things better and resonates better with people and connects better with people is through stories.

SachinPatel: [00:16:13]

In fact, when you, if you were to do a scan of somebody's brain, while they're telling a story, if the other person is really dialed in and connected, the same parts of their brain are going to light up as well. So we deeply resonate with each other through story. And that's how information has also passed on as well as through stories.

SachinPatel: [00:16:33]

My son, for example, every night I still put him to bed and uh, he says, dad, tell me a story. And so, uh, I tell him a story and if I tell him a story I've told him before, he's like, dad, you told me that story. Like, how do you remember that? And it's because the brain doesn't forget stories. And, uh, and so I have to make up all these stories every day, I've got to make up these new stories.

SachinPatel: [00:16:53]

And some days I get frustrated, I'm like, dammit, like, uh, you know, I don't knowhow many more stories I can make up about my, my childhood. Right. And, uh, and so children remember, it's amazing how children remember. And it's how adults remember too, is through stories.

BurhaanPattel: [00:17:10]

And, you know, going back to well talking about the storytelling piece, it's, it's one of those things where if we had a mechanism and this is something thatI learned this week, actually from Matthew Dicks, who wrote the book, StoryWorthy. Uh, he mentioned this. He gives us exercise of doing homework for life.He calls it homework for life.

BurhaanPattel: [00:17:32]

And it's like spend five minutes or 15 minutes every day at the end of the day and write down some of the key moments that happened in your day so that you could develop them into stories later. And it's kind of epiphany type moments, like the moments in your day, which are the little things, but that make an impact in your life so that you can refer to it later.

BurhaanPattel: [00:17:50]

And maybe use it in content or write a book from that, or just use it in a, in a talk or in a podcast or, or that type of thing. Um, and so I think it's in away, your son is forcing you to do that exercise with him, which also reinforces your impact, not only to him, but also on the stuff that you've done.

SachinPatel: [00:18:12]

Yeah. I love that. Is there, is there a framework that you like to follow? Do you follow the hero's journey?

BurhaanPattel: [00:18:19]

I have the hero's journey. I try to follow that for a lot of my content as well.Um, it's tricky though, because when you're trying to educate, you can't always use that format. But yeah, it's, it's a classic for sure.

SachinPatel: [00:18:31]

Love it.

BurhaanPattel: [00:18:33]

So I wanted to dig into, um, I know your primary, your primary platform isFacebook. Um, and I wanted to talk a little bit about, about Facebook and how you've seen it. You know, one, why do you specifically work on Facebook? Why haven't you used YouTube? Uh, are you in Tik Tok? What, what platforms do you regard uh, as good for practitioners today?

SachinPatel: [00:18:56]

But I think the best answer is to use all of them right. In some way, shape or form. Um, but one of the things I also learned is to stay focused, right. And, and, uh, you know, where if you can focus your attention on one thing, then you can master how to use that tool uh, better. And like, listen, I'm not a marketer, um, by heart. Right. And it's more out of necessity is why I have to learn how to communicate my message.

SachinPatel: [00:19:25]

So I still have somebody managing the, the technological aspects of it right. Of running the ads and, and managing and things like that. So sometimes how you promote is also going to be, um, based on the skillset of the team that you have too. Right. So our team is very skilled and very well coached in how to leverage Facebook and webinars as a, as a platform.

SachinPatel: [00:19:48]

And then we've been using Facebook to run challenges and group programs and things like that. So I love that everything's all in one place. Cause I also look at it from the perspective of the user as well. So if I were to do this challenge in, um, in, uh, in Facebook, then people already have Facebook on their phone.There's like no friction for them to get signed up.

SachinPatel: [00:20:09]

They, they understand how to use the platform. It's native it's, it's already native to them versus me having to then take my audience to then get used toYouTube lives. And, you know, maybe download an app that they didn't have before, or or whatnot. So we've, we've kind of learned to use Facebook in a very impactful way for us to not just market, but then also deliver our services as well.

SachinPatel: [00:20:32]

So right now we're running a challenge, for example, for, uh, there's about 200over 200 practitioners that are doing it, and it's a five day challenge teaching them how to run a challenge. And so we're basically managing, you know, the communications with them through text messaging, through email, and then we're going live in the Facebook group every day and then sharing, you know, powerful little tidbits of information.

SachinPatel: [00:20:56]

So if I were to do Instagram marketing. Right then that Instagram person may not use Facebook or may not you know have much of a awareness of the platform itself. So we like to, you know, kind of, um, be able to market and deliver on the same platform. We found that to be very advantageous.

BurhaanPattel: [00:21:16]

Yeah. Uh, keeping it on, on the platform that most, the majority of people are using. It it is, it is unfortunate because I have seen a lot of people say that they're just not on Facebook or they don't want to use Facebook where they used to be on Facebook and they don't use it anymore because too distracting or there's too many negative messages there or whatever the case, maybe. How do you, how do you combat that? Because they are a lot of those people, as well?

SachinPatel: [00:21:41]

Yep. So really easy. So one of the things I'll give you an example. So as people are going through our challenge right now, they get a playbook. It's aGoogle document that I update every day and I release new resources for them.And then in there I will add the link for where they could watch today's training, um, in the, in, in Facebook.

SachinPatel: [00:22:01]

So they have, if they have Facebook, they can do that. If not, then my team, uh, downloads the video and then uploads it to Vimeo. So then people can watch it on Vimeo. So we give, we give those people an alternative. They just don't obviously get to participate in the group discussions and they don't get to participate in the live chat and stuff like that.

SachinPatel: [00:22:19]

But I mean, somebody is gonna have a problem with every platform you use. Right. SoI, you know, some people, if you introduced a whole new platform, like let's, uh, I don't want to throw anyone under the bus, but let's say Kartra or Kajabi or Infusion Soft or Thinkific. And they've never used that platform before.

SachinPatel: [00:22:36]

Right. And it's not native to them where they're going to see notifications and things like that. Whereas in Facebook, they're going to see the notifications.They're going to engage. They've already got their profile set up, like everything's done, right. If I give them a new platform now, then you know, that I don't think would be as effective.

BurhaanPattel: [00:22:53]

Yeah, 100%. And again, it's one of those, uh, versus things where you can't satisfy everybody. But I love the fact that you've created a way that you can spread your messages. Why is this possible despite the tool that the person needs to use?

SachinPatel: [00:23:09]

Yeah. Listen, somebody might not like Google, right? Like they might have a problem with Google. They're like, I don't use Google docs. So like w what canyou do? Right. You just, you use the resources, uh, that, you know, you're using with the best of intentions. And it makes it easy for people and you know, it gets, it, uh, checks off a lot of the boxes for us. Right. And if somebody wants to invent a platform that has as many users and as much opportunity, then I'll jump all over that too.

BurhaanPattel: [00:23:38]

Of course we would flock as marketers would flock to that. Yeah. One of the other things you spoke about, uh, four years ago in that, um, functional forum was diversification of income. And I think you did a podcast episode recently where you spoke about that as well. Um, one of the things that I've identified is courses, courses to educate patients, courses, to educate clients.

BurhaanPattel: [00:24:04]

It doesn't matter which field you're in. Courses are a great way to not only leverage your time, but also just get your message out there to, to people whoneed it to people who are sometimes paying for it, or maybe even on a free platform. What, what have you seen that's working today, uh, in terms of digital products that you recommend your, your mentors or your, um, your groups of people?

SachinPatel: [00:24:30]

Yeah. So, so as, as you would probably know, that's a loaded question. Uh, what we do, what we do have is a framework that we teach. So I can, I can walk you through that. So first four before anyone starts putting their message out there, they really have to know who they are. Right. And that self exploration is really important because then we can, um, as we go through this self discovery process.

SachinPatel: [00:24:52]

We discover our Dharma, which is like why we were born, why we were put on this planet at this time, you know, what purpose are we here to serve? And so once you find that purpose, then it, then you got to know what you stand for. So once you, what or who you stand for? I'm sorry. So it's. You know, what w what do I need to do? What, what do I represent? Who am I.

SachinPatel: [00:25:14]

And then who do I help? Right. I help people with this particular problem, and this is what I'm protecting them from, right? So this is the wrong that we want to write, and we want to protect you from this. And in our case, it might be illness, or it might be deceit, or it might be, you know, um, ineffective solutions for them or bandaid solutions.

SachinPatel: [00:25:36]

Or like, where are we going to protect people from that? Right. And people want to be protected from that. So getting clear on that and then consistently sharing your message. So whether you're using Instagram or Facebook or LinkedIn, right. Like LinkedIn is, is very humbling for me because I'll post the same thing onFacebook and I've got a couple hundred, you know, likes or comments.

SachinPatel: [00:25:55]

And I'll post the same thing in LinkedIn and you get almost no engagement, but I realize I have to pay my dues. Right. And I went from so far, started off getting one or two likes, and now my last two posts have gotten 20. So I think people are starting to land and resonate with the message and it'll grow because I see that as a blue ocean for our message and, uh, and so lots of opportunity there, but, you know, we all start somewhere.

SachinPatel: [00:26:19]

We all start from scratch. And so start putting your message out there consistently. And, uh, and clearly, right, that this is what I do. This is whatI protect people from, or this is how I help people. And make their lives, you know, a million times better. And so we like video ads and, you know, or video view ads where you're basically running informational videos that provide value.

SachinPatel: [00:26:44]

And then you're, you're basically, uh, assessing, you know, who watches 50%, 75%,95%, 100%. And then you can then retarget those individuals with a different message. Right or, you know, they move up the ladder. If they've seen this much of that video, or they're made a secondary offer, like a webinar or a training or a challenge you might be running or a lead magnet that you might have.

SachinPatel: [00:27:09]

Um, and then that should eventually take people to a master class or a training that, you know, step-by-step walks people through. What we found is working really well for us right now is challenges. So, you know, challenges we're getting leads for less than a dollar a lead. At least this was in March and things can change rapidly, right?

SachinPatel: [00:27:28]

With Facebook changing its algorithms with all the changes that are taking place with Apple and Facebook. I mean, things can change relatively overnight. And it's, it's a whole, it kind of shifts things up, right? It keeps things fun and exciting because it doesn't just change for you. It changes for everybody.

SachinPatel: [00:27:44]

So everyone's trying to refigure and reconfigure it out, but that's where the advantage lies as well as the people who can very quickly figure out what's working. And then the masterclass then takes them to a discovery call. And of course there's little nurturing sequences that take place in between, um, each step of the way.

SachinPatel: [00:28:02]

And, uh, that takes people to do a discovery call. And then if they sign up, then they're going to be nurtured if they don't sign up or they have a specific, um, you know, uh, maybe it's a, not now. Usually people, the only objection they have is not now. Right. Even if they say it's money it's I don't have the money now.

SachinPatel: [00:28:19]

It's not, it's not that they're saying I don't have the money and I don't care to invest this money. So I don't have the money, but in the future I might. So everyone's a not now. And you always nurture those people. And I hate to say it this way, but it's until they buy or die. Right. And when, when I say buy it's not buying stuff from you, it's buying into your vision. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:28:41]

Are they bought into the vision that they are the doctor of the future? And if they go spend that money somewhere else, that's okay with me. Right. I'm in it for what I want for them. I want, what I want for them is them to be healthy. And so whether they buy from me, I don't care, but are they bought into this idea, right?

SachinPatel: [00:29:03]

That they are in control of their health. That to me is the one. And so we continue to nurture these people. And then, uh, and then we look at the process, right? We look at the numbers we look at, okay, this is what it costs us to acquire this person. And then now they've moved through this system here and on the backend, this is, this is how much revenue we generated.

SachinPatel: [00:29:24]

Is this working right. And you know, what you do is you make it more efficient, which makes it more effective, which, you know, a by-product of that is it's more profitable. Right. Um, and you would want that. I mean, which business who would want to say, Hey, I have a great business. I have lots of people makes no money. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:29:42]

And puts me in more debt every year. Like, okay, you're not going to, you're not getting an award for that. Right. You get an award. And what would be noteworthy is if you could help lots of people. And be profitable, but people are happy. Right. And, and, uh, they're more than thrilled about what you've done for them.

SachinPatel: [00:30:01]

So they get exponential value from what they paid. So this is a process that we try to coach our practitioners through and help them you know kind of see. And then the other thing that we try to do is get them to look at their business through a slightly different lens. So I have them draw a triangle and a, we call this the freedom formula and we divide that triangle into 80 20.

SachinPatel: [00:30:21]

And then we divided again into 80 20. And the one-on-one care that they do is about that tip of that uh, triangle, which is about 4%. And then the 16% in the middle is one to many. And then you have the one to infinity at the very bottom, uh, which is 80% to infinity where you're helping people in, you know, using a course, you're helping people using a lead magnet. You're helping people using a challenge. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:30:48]

Um, so these are great and a variety of different tools that we can do to, you know, uh, scale our time to scale our efforts, to impact people, even while we're asleep. Right. So when I talk about one of the things I always say is when I talk about multiple streams of income, what that really means is multiple streams of impact, right? Because you can have multiple streams of income unless you're making impact somewhere. And so where am I having an impact is that's an important question that I ask of myself as well.

BurhaanPattel: [00:31:21]

I, yeah, that's, that's a really good way to, to frame it because, you know,Pareto principle, 80 20. And so you're using that directly and applying it to not only the technology, but also our effort. Um, as, as we're trying to make these messages you know, come out of us, get it right. Say it the right way, write it in the right way and then leveraging the tools to get it out there.

BurhaanPattel: [00:31:43]

Um, so going back again to that talk that you gave, you mentioned impact versus the Ferrari. And that was the question you asked the audience was a very interesting one because. You asked, what are you doing this for? And you gave them the options. Like you're trying to make an impact. You're trying to help people live better lives, or you're trying to go for, to the Ferrari. I wanted to ask you why you asked that question, but why do you use that in your speeches?

SachinPatel: [00:32:16]

Well, see, I think practitioners have a, oftentimes a, a negative connotation associated with money, right? Because of, because of the way some of them may have may perceive what that looks like. Right. So you see, um, we're, we're not in this for material gain. However, what we have to realize we may or may not be in it's okay. If we are too. Right.

SachinPatel: [00:32:42]

Um, but we're not in this for material gain. Uh, how so we can create these like glass ceilings for ourselves. Right. But what income is related to directly in proportion to is our impact. So if we plan on making a big impact, then we should also correspondingly, uh, expect that our income is going to grow, uh, as well. Right?

SachinPatel: [00:33:05]

It's a natural byproduct. Everything in your life is going to grow, right?You're going to grow. Your impact is going to grow. Your income is going to grow, right. You're just like in nature, everything grows more every single year as time passes things grow. Right. So you're going to continue to grow, uh, as well.

SachinPatel: [00:33:23]

And so for a lot of times, we, we might think, oh, I don't want, I don't want theFerrari, I don't want this. I don't want that. I don't need all that money.Right. And that can be a self limiting. And self-sabotaging, you know, way of looking at the world. Right. You can give it all away, right? Whatever you don't need, you can give away. Right?

SachinPatel: [00:33:40]

Like we build hospitals, we build orphanages, we build schools. Uh, we just built a food bank right now. That's under construction, um, and a cafe. So we build all these things for communities that need it. Right. And we let that abundance, you know, flow through us. So a lot of times, our relationship with money is very cloudy or jaded.

SachinPatel: [00:34:02]

And by kind of looking at it through a different lens, it allows me us to think more with an abundance mindset, right? Is that our impact is, is something that we all want. And, um, we, we have to find a way of measuring that impact and money is just one of those ways, not the only way.

BurhaanPattel: [00:34:21]

But I've often heard people say that money is a tool. It's not, it's not something that we just need to use. So, uh, last question I have is regarding systems. Now you obviously spoke about, you know, your funnel and you, you spoke about how you're leveraging these tools and you know, the resources that we have. How have you seen the industry change from, let's say 5, 10 years ago.And are things it's easier now with all of these tools and systems or is it, harder?

SachinPatel: [00:34:57]

Um,I think there's a steeper learning curve. So for those people that are willing to either delegate that responsibility to somebody else, which is what they do for a living. Right. So that's, what I chose to do is have somebody who knows what they're doing, um, and is spending all their time and energy, knowing what they're doing about that topic.

SachinPatel: [00:35:19]

That's the person I want in charge. Right. And, and so I think that, um, it's easier if you hire the right people, however, it's more complicated if you don't. So before it used to be that you could just boost an ad, right? From your personal page. At one point you could boost an ad from your personal page.And I was like, oh, this is awesome.

SachinPatel: [00:35:43]

Like more people need to hear this click. Right. And you would just throw a little bit of money at it. And that's how easy it was. I wished they would dothat. Right. They would probably make way more money. Um, because if you have something that you want people to hear, you just pay and more people will hearit.

SachinPatel: [00:35:58]

Right. It'll be interesting. Right. Like how, how if they can make it that easy. And so, uh, so I think it's, it used to be super easy, right? Less strategic, super simple. And now it's probably more complicated or it can be more complicated and yet more sophisticated. And that I think requires expertise to get the most bang for your buck.

BurhaanPattel: [00:36:23]

But still as impactful or more impactful.

SachinPatel: [00:36:31]

You know, it, it's hard to say. Right. Cause when you're in it, it's hard, it's hard to know. Right. I think that it was probably easy. There is, um, fewer people sharing this message when I started sharing it. Right. So when I immediately, when I started using Facebook, I, I started sharing health and wellness.

SachinPatel: [00:36:53]

Like whatever I was learning, I was you know sharing. And people really resonated with that. And so now it's, it's a bit of a noisy, you know, space in that sense. Cause there's more people and I love that. I'm not, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but then your message has to really stand out. So it can be a little bit harder because there's more people putting that message out there.

SachinPatel: [00:37:17]

And that's where I, that's the advantage I see for LinkedIn is that the message I'm trying to bring there, nobody else is really talking about. And I feel like I can, I can create this culture creep in, uh, at least start exposing people to look at health, uh, and, and their you know careers and, and all that stuff through a different lens. Um, so I think there's an advantage there as well.

BurhaanPattel: [00:37:43]

I would say right now, there are two, maybe three opportunities out there where one is YouTube because evergreen content. If you can get around or figure out the algorithms and figure out the message, there is an opportunity on YouTube because there aren't that many functional medicine people talking about it onYouTube, uh, and LinkedIn definitely.

BurhaanPattel: [00:38:04]

Um, doctors themselves, I guess, maybe because of time and because they haven't figured out the tool itself, that the platform LinkedIn is, has a huge opportunity in organic reach on the platform is, is by far the best right now.And then Tik Tok, if you really you know have that, uh, experimental side of you, then I would say Tik Tok would be, would be the place as well.

SachinPatel: [00:38:27]

Yeah, I I've seen, uh, some of my, my clients have been using Tik Tok and it's been getting a lot of engagement for them.

SachinPatel: [00:38:39]

Yeah, it's a, it looks very fun. Like it looks like a, a fun place to be. However, it may or may not be certain people's personalities too. Right. So we have to find a platform that kind of, um, suits our personality, right. Where we feel right at home. Uh, and for me, I like the tools that Facebook has created. Um, I'm really starting to get to know LinkedIn a little bit better.

SachinPatel: [00:39:01]

And I see, you know, a great opportunity there. I have an Instagram account, believe it or not, that has, uh, over 10,000 followers. And I only installed Instagram on my phone on Monday for the first time ever. Um, because I had an interview and I'm actually gonna delete it right now. Now that I realize it's on there.So, uh, so yeah. Interesting fun fact.

SachinPatel: [00:39:24]

I have an Instagram following and I don't, I'm not on Instagram. So let me remove the app here. I had to face our interview with, uh, with Fullscript and so they, they go on IG live and I was like, freaking out, cause I'm like, how doI, how do I do this? I've never done this before you know.

SachinPatel: [00:39:41]

I'ma Facebook guy. So, so it was interesting to, you know, to use that platform.But. Yeah. I, so for me, Instagram is not somewhere I spend any time on my schedule being right. So we've got to find what works for us.

BurhaanPattel: [00:39:56]

Yep. And, and focus. Yeah. A hundred percent well Sachin. Thank you so much.Um, where can people find you, obviously not Instagram, uh, Facebook, your, uh, what's your link on Facebook, if you want to drop that and maybe your website.

SachinPatel: [00:40:12]

Yeah. Sure. So on Facebook, you can find me at facebook.com/thesachinpatel.And, uh, certainly if you want to learn more about some of the coaching that we do, you can go to perfectpracticementorship.com. That's a good place to learn more about, uh, some of the services that we offer. And, uh, yeah. Thank you, Burhaan, for this opportunity and great conversation. I really enjoy.

BurhaanPattel: [00:40:35]

Yeah, you're more, you're more than welcome. Thank you. So thank you for listening to the podcast episode. If you want to check out Sachin, uh, the links will be in the show notes below. He also has a, has a podcast called Private Practice, uh, on Apple and all of the other podcasting platforms definitely take a listen. And I just wanted to close out the episode with a bit of a summary.

BurhaanPattel: [00:40:55]

So. In terms of what's the session I spoke about, we spoke about the systems in place that you need to have in place getting, you know, getting on social, getting your message, right. Um, getting your word out to the people that make a difference. And. Basically using the challenges or finding a way to stand out from the crowd, because there is a lot more competition.

BurhaanPattel: [00:41:18]

There's a lot more people talking about functional medicine. There's a lot more noise on the internet, not just about functional medicine, but also just, um, uh, other marketers or other business owners also occupying space on Facebook, if that's your platform. And so, you know, definitely consider taking courses, taking programs, having a listen to podcast episodes, um, following a few inspirational educational people to figure out how to do your marketing a little bit better.

BurhaanPattel: [00:41:46]

And just remember that it's one of those things that you can develop over time.Uh, it's not something you need to get right from the beginning. Cause it's one of those things where just like in business, getting your first client was difficult, but then the second was not as difficult. And then the third and in the fourth and as we go on.

BurhaanPattel: [00:42:04]

So marketing is the same thing where the first time we tried to do a Facebook live or the first time we tried to do a podcast episode, or the first time we bought a marketing funnel or decided to a challenge or whatever the case may be, the first round is always going to be the worst or the hardest.

BurhaanPattel: [00:42:21]

And as we get over, get into time and we do these things a little bit more and be persistent with our message and clarify our message and learn the tools a little bit more and dig into what works and what doesn't work. That's when we start opening our message, uh, out.

BurhaanPattel: [00:42:37]

And Sachin is a perfect example of this because he's been doing content for along, long time. And, uh, he still feels like he's not doing enough, which is interesting because he is making an impact. Um, and I'm, I can attest to the fact that I can see that he is.

BurhaanPattel: [00:42:54]

So with that being said, thank you for uh, watching the podcast. If you're watching this on YouTube, if you're listening to this on Apple podcasts, definitely hit the review, you know, give us a follow wherever you're listening to it. Um, and yeah. Catch you on the next one. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.

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