15 Tools Every Freelancer Can't Live Without


As a freelancer, having the right tools can make or break your workflow. After nearly a decade of experience, I've compiled a list of the essential tools that have helped me thrive in my freelance career. It doesn't matter what type of job you're doing—these are some of the basic tools every freelancer should consider.


First on the list is Canva. Whether it's editing your profile photo, adding graphics to your Outlook profile, or creating thumbnails or cover images for your portfolio, Canva is indispensable. Especially if you're working on platforms like Upwork, Canva allows you to craft impressive visuals for your CV or portfolio that you can send to clients. For graphic work, a well-crafted portfolio can make all the difference.


Next is ChatGPT. While I don't recommend relying on it entirely, this AI tool can help you draft proposals, cover letters, and even responses to client inquiries. Just ensure to personalize its suggestions to maintain authenticity. Tailoring your communication by researching client's profiles, previous projects, and social presence will set you apart and show initiative.


Zoom is another must-have. Even though platforms like Upwork have their conferencing tools, Zoom is widely recognized and easy to use for meetings, interviews, and project discussions. Alternatives like Google Meet can also get the job done, but familiarity with Zoom can make scheduling and conducting meetings more straightforward.

Upwork App

The Upwork app is vital for active freelancers. It helps you stay connected with potential and current clients on the go. You can send proposals, cover letters, and communicate directly from your phone. While work-life balance is important, tools like this can help you capitalize on opportunities, helping you secure work even when you're away from your desk.

Project Management Tools: Trello, Asana, Monday.com

Understanding project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Monday.com is beneficial. While not all clients may use them, being adept at these tools shows you can integrate seamlessly into their workflow. They help manage tasks and communication effectively, ensuring you're always on the same page with your clients.


Password management is crucial, especially for new clients who might be hesitant to share sensitive information. Tools like LastPass allow clients to share access without revealing their passwords, building trust while maintaining security.

Google Drive

Storage and documentation are essential, and Google Drive excels in this area. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides provide versatile tools for various tasks, from writing proposals to storing work files. It allows you to work collaboratively with clients while keeping your files organized and accessible from anywhere.


An efficient email system like Gmail is indispensable. While Upwork chat is useful, emails provide a professional touch. Having a domain-specific email address can further demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to clients.

Personal Website: WordPress or Webflow

A personal website can elevate your credibility. Built on platforms like WordPress, Webflow, or Squarespace, a website showcases your work and provides a public profile for clients to find you. This visibility is key in building trust and legitimacy.

Accounting Software: QuickBooks or Wave

Lastly, some form of accounting software, like QuickBooks or Wave, is essential. Even if you don't have a registered business, keeping track of your finances is crucial. These tools help manage income and expenses, ensuring you're prepared for tax season and have a clear account of your financial standing.

These tools are not just about managing your freelance tasks; they're about elevating your professional profile and making your workflow seamless. Mastering these tools can also benefit your personal projects and help you provide advanced services to clients.

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