10 years ago I was in South Africa working in a family retail store.
Life was good. Living in the mountains with my wife among beautiful scenery and good people.
But I felt this urge to be independent. To do my own thing. To have my own business. To make it my own way.
One day, as I was going over notes in Evernote, I came across a bucket list I had written years before and had a realization.
“When am I going to do these things?” I asked myself.
A few months later, I learned a few skills in digital marketing and started freelancing on Upwork at $11/hour.
Somehow, a book by @tferriss titled The Four Hour Work Week was recommended to me. I read it in a weekend.
Tim talked about his online business, traveling and working around the world on a budget and how he developed systems to work with a team.
I wondered if I could do this for myself, but resisted since I didn’t believe it was possible for me.
My gut said I should try. I set a goal that in 100 days, I would leave South Africa.
I did some research and found https://nomadlist.io created by Peter Levels. People were posting the costs of living in various cities around the world.
Within minutes I made as short list of cities that I could afford to live in.
My excitement rose. I searched for Visa requirements, flights, hotels, hostels and anything I could find to help me find a way to begin my adventure.
And one day, my wife at the time, asked me if this was one of those things I just spoke about but didn’t do.
That sparked something in me. I had to decide.
Moving meant I would be divorced a second time (she didn’t want to come on the adventure with me) being away from my children (who lived with their mother), and leaving my parents and friends.
I was 33 at the time and had lived all my life for other people.
I knew I become someone more, a better person, a better father, a better version of myself.
Within a week I bought a one way ticket to South East Asia.
Two weeks after that I was boarding a flight with my laptop and backpack.
Now 9 years later, I can say that was one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve made new friends all around the world. I’m closer to my family than before and my business and career is thriving.
I am a better person today. I'm not perfect,
It was a courageous bold step to take. It was hard, challenging and grueling at times.
Put yourself first and everyone around you will gain.
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